What should be eligible for funding under the Octant community fund?

I’ve been thinking about this a bit more. As I started to go through the exercise of eligibility and not, I began to realize this can potentially complicate things so quickly that a simplified approach to this topic makes more sense.

I attended a metagov event over the past 2 days that was extremely helpful for me to rethink how I am approaching this aspect of the process. One of the primary things that shifted my way of thinking was going through the idea of impact, and how does Octant define it with respect to its mission.

We have a broad mission, one that looks to support the public goods ecosystem and our users. With that in mind, I think we could judge each proposal based on 3 basic aspects

  1. Alignment with Core Mission and Impact: Start by ensuring that projects directly contribute to the Octant mission and have a clear, measurable impact. Define impact in the context of your mission, whether it’s innovation, community development, sustainability, etc.
  2. Feasibility and Scalability: Consider the project’s feasibility and potential for growth. This includes the team’s ability to execute, the project’s sustainability, and its capacity to scale and create broader impact.
  3. Innovation and Uniqueness: Not as important, but we could prioritize projects that offer innovative solutions or fill unmet needs within the ecosystem. This encourages creativity and supports the development of novel approaches to existing challenges.

So in my mind, in order to have the ability to evaluate based on these concepts (and possibly others) is that we need to answer some fundamental questions:

  • Defining Impact: What does “impact” specifically mean within our mission and the broader ecosystem we aim to support?
  • Measuring Impact: What measurable outcomes are we expecting to see from projects we fund And how can projects demonstrate their progress towards these outcomes in both quantitative and qualitative terms?

This is something that I think would be a much easier way to approach answering the original question versus getting lost in the weeds too quickly with my original plan.

@mike.sylphdapps.eth @Bitblondy are there any thoughts that jump out to you with this?