Project Name:
DAO Drops -
Project Description and why it’s classified as a Public Good:
DAO Drops is the public goods arm of dOrg, an OG services DAO that builds dApps and other web3 infrastructure. The aim of DAO Drops is to Drop open source tools for decentralized communities.
In 2023 we launched DAO Drops first iteration, a pilot supported by the Ethereum Foundation to empower Ethereum users to allocate ecosystem funds to underfunded projects. If you want to know more about how we built this first drop, visit
We received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from the community, especially from groups that were interested in running their own rounds. As a result, we released our second drop: PairDrop. PairDrop is a reusable primitive that allows communities to intelligently allocate funds. It is designed to avoid common pitfalls of funding mechanisms like cognitive overload and favoritism, while making the process fun and painless.
Our upcoming public goods tools drops include a privacy-preserving DAO, a bot for public goods projects to answer common questions, assist with DAO onboarding, and help write grants based on past applications, and a forkable version of dOrg Passport to manage builder reputation and Snapshot voting.
The value we aim to add to the public goods ecosystem includes creating reusable, useful and intelligent tools, fostering innovation and community empowerment, and continuously developing scalable and transparent mechanisms for decentralized communities.
What public goods tools would you like to see DAO Drops develop next? Share your ideas with us at, DM us on Twitter, or message us in the Octant forum. We’d love to hear from you!
Main Project Funding Sources:
DAO Drops Round 1 was possible thanks to a grant from The Ethereum Foundation. Allocation Update: Q1 and Q2 2022 | Ethereum Foundation Blog
Seeking project-specific funding or funding for general operations:
Both: We are seeking funds for the grants pool as well as funds for operations for the team to improve the mechanisms and execute the rounds.
Project Roadmap and Milestones (only for project-specific funding):
Here is our roadmap for Round 2, including details about how we plan to iterate DAO Drops over time to experiment and improve our mechanisms and interoperability with other RPGF programs.
Design & Implementation:
- Create tech stack and new scoring algorithm.
- Improve curation, voting, and mechanisms.
- Streamline KYC and enhance UI.
- Nominate and validate candidates.
- Evaluate and vote.
- Distribute funds.
Round 2 Survey & Blog Post
- Measure success.
- Share results.
- Next Steps
- Plan for future rounds
For nominees’ outreach we are further emphasizing reaching out to and elevating the influence of under visible areas of the ecosystem, including contributors in the Global South. We plan to evolve DAO Drops into a continuously running funds distribution mechanism.
Funding Request and Budget (only for project-specific funding):
Team Information, including backgrounds and roles:
DAO Drops team for Round 2
- Colin, brand design & UI/UX: cedricwaxwing (Cedric Waxwing) · GitHub
- Muath Juady, Frontend: MuathJ · GitHub
- Marco, Backend: LordMarkDev (Marco Negroni) · GitHub
- Ori Shimony, Mechanism Design: Ori Shimony - The Mechanism Institute | LinkedIn
- Magenta Ceiba, Project Management: Magenta Ceiba - Bloom Network | LinkedIn
- Mackenzie Patel, Accounting: Mackenzie Patel, CPA, RYT - Hash Basis | LinkedIn
- Anita Caldera, Communications:
Social Credibility (development progress, awards, notable GitHub commits, referrals):
Since the project was launched, we’ve been featured in different podcasts, newsletters, twitter accounts and articles, here’s a few:
Github: GitHub - dOrgTech/DAO-Drops: Full stack MERN app for the DAO Drops Project
Full report of DAO Drops round 1: DAO DROPS ROUND 1 RESULTS ARE IN - by Anamaria Caldera
- Week in Ethereum news: Week in Ethereum News, January 14, 2023 - thanks to for making this issue possible
- DAO Times: DAO Drops to distribute $250k to projects that have contributed to the Ethereum ecosystem
- Green Pill podcast:
If you want to keep diving into our social credibility, please take a look at our Twitter account: and feel free to explore the full use case of how we built DAO Drops Round 1:
Discord contact:
- Magenta: magemagenta
- Ori: orishim
Eligibility Criteria
Do you have a commitment to open-source (i.e. every open-source license accepted by the Open-Source Initiative) technology and sharing results publicly?
Yes. Our Github repository is open source and visible here: GitHub - dOrgTech/DAO-Drops: Full stack MERN app for the DAO Drops Project Round 1 results are here (as of 10/19/2023), When we switch to Round 2, the previous results will be publicly archived.
Have you provided transparency about how exactly funding will be used?
Absolutely! We’re committed to full transparency. Starting in Round 1, we provided a clear overview of how DAO Drops operates:
Nomination Phase: During this stage, anyone in the Ethereum community can submit information about projects or individuals they believe deserve funding. The eligibility of these nominees is then determined, allowing them to proceed to the allocation phase.
Allocation Phase: Here, Ethereum users play a pivotal role in deciding which nominees receive funding. Voting power was calculated based on their past on-chain activity. A total of $250,000 DAI was distributed to nominees in proportion to the votes they accumulated.
Voting power was allocated based on three primary types of on-chain activities, with a maximum of 100 points available per address in each category. These activities included:
- DAO Participation, fueled by Deep DAO.
- Ecosystem Event Attendance, supported by POAP.
- Smart Contract Deployments, powered by Galxe.
Round 1 voting addresses are listed on our Github at DAO-Drops/scripts/scoreSheets at main · dOrgTech/DAO-Drops · GitHub. We remain committed to enhancing transparency and refining our processes in each subsequent round.
Are you advancing values of freedom and privacy (no surveillance and handling of personal data)?
DAO Drops embodies these values by creating a system that offers more control and privacy to Ethereum users, ultimately advancing the principles of freedom and privacy within the community by letting them choose how to distribute the funds without needing to reveal any personally identifiable information.
Are you supporting decentralization in various fields (for example building Web3 projects)?
Here’s how DAO Drops contributes to decentralization in various fields:
Community-Driven Fund Allocation: DAO Drops allows anyone from the Ethereum community to nominate projects and individuals for funding. This decentralized approach ensures that the decision-making process is not controlled by a single entity or organization, promoting decentralization in allocating funds.
Transparent and Inclusive Voting: Ethereum users participate in the allocation phase by voting on the nominated projects. Voting power is calculated based on past on-chain activity, promoting transparency and inclusivity. This decentralized voting process ensures that a diverse range of community members has a say in funding decisions.
Emphasis on Open-Source Principles: DAO Drops is an open-source initiative. Its code and operations are visible to all, promoting a decentralized ethos of open collaboration. GitHub - dOrgTech/DAO-Drops: Full stack MERN app for the DAO Drops Project
Targeting Overlooked Areas: By involving a diverse range of ecosystem participants, DAO Drops can effectively target areas often overlooked by centralized allocation bodies as well as those left behind by popularity contest dynamics. This commitment to supporting underserved areas within the Ethereum ecosystem contributes to decentralization by spreading resources more equitably.
Have you provided social media channels to the extent that we can confirm social proof of your project?
- Twitter:
- Github: GitHub - dOrgTech/DAO-Drops: Full stack MERN app for the DAO Drops Project
- Website: