Drips: Continuous Dependency Funding

Drips is a protocol (and app), built on Ethereum, that enables organizations and individuals to directly and publicly provide funding to the free and open-source software projects they depend on the most.

At the core of the Drips user experience is the Drip List. This is a collection of Ethereum addresses, ENS names, and Git repositories curated by an individual or organization and packaged together under one title. This list is accompanied by a percentage (of funds to be received) allocated to each item on the list. These lists are publicly available and shareable on the web with the ability to be either editable or immutable.

Achievements since the last Octant Epoch

  1. Launch of cdf.works (Continuous Dependency Funding)
  2. Almost $2M are flowing through Drips, funding FOSS dependencies.
  3. The Drips team spoke at multiple conferences, including the Filecoin Event at ETH Denver, Edge Cities, FTC Taipei & more
  4. Octant Drip List went Viral through WAGMI and Austin Griff.
  5. Reputable Projects and Maintainers are funding their dependencies:
    1. OpenZeppelin
    2. TheGraph
    3. ENS Founder Nick.eth
    4. Ethers.Js - RicMoo
    5. WAGMI
    6. Snapshot
    7. Starknet
    8. FundingTheCommons
    9. and more

Upcoming milestones on your project roadmap:

  • We are currently building “Collaborative Drip-Lists,” an experience that will enable multiple peers to collaboratively design and vote on any PGF mechanism within Drips, leveraging the existing Drips graph and primitives. This is the first step towards bringing many more PGF mechanisms, voting schemes, and a lot of extensibility within the Drips system.

  • As for our roadmap, you can learn more by reviewing the [Drips Team’s org proposal to the Radworks DAO for 2024 1] which was passed on 12/1/2023 and which contains a more detailed description of the project’s progress this year and our plans for 2024.

How funds from the previous Epoch were utilized and plans for any funds raised from Epoch Two

Did Drips receive any other sources of grant funding since the previous Octant Epoch?

  • This question may be less relevant for Drips, since as described above, 100% of any funds we receive from Octant will be directly re-donated to fund the FOSS projects Octant depends on. In other words, the Drips team itself will not receive any of the funds awarded to it in this Octant round. However, for the sake of transparency, the Drips team did receive a large grant from the Radworks DAO on 12/1/2023, which is intended to fund our team’s work continuing to build open solutions for funding FOSS in 2024. You can learn more here.

Did Drips receive sources of non-grant funding since the previous Epoch? (including user payments and donations, staking or LP providing treasury funds, VC funding, or others)

  • No