NetSepio - Democratizing Access to CyberSecurity by Securing & Decentralizing Internet

Project Description

NetSepio is an innovative platform designed to democratize internet access and enhance cybersecurity through DePIN. By leveraging the power of blockchain and cryptographic technologies, Erebrus Protocol integrates decentralized VPN (ÐVPN) and decentralized Wi-Fi (ÐWi-Fi) to create a robust, secure, and censorship-resistant internet infrastructure. This protocol operates on the Ethereum Network, embodying the core principles of privacy, decentralization, and user empowerment.

Key Features:

  • ÐVPN Network: Provides secure, encrypted internet connections through a global network of nodes, enabling users to bypass censorship and maintain privacy.

  • ÐWi-Fi: Ensures resilient and distributed connectivity, mitigating risks related to internet shutdowns and centralized failures.

  • Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation: Enhances network efficiency, providing optimal internet speeds and reliable connectivity.

  • Robust DNS Firewalls: Protects users from emerging cyber threats, ensuring a secure browsing experience.

  • End-to-End Encryption: Safeguards user data from surveillance and breaches by encrypting traffic throughout the network.

NetSepio champions open source and open access to provide unrestricted internet access, ensuring that all individuals can benefit regardless of their geographic location or socio-economic status. By addressing critical issues like privacy threats, censorship, and connectivity, Erebrus Protocol contributes to a more just and decentralized digital future.

Public Repository: GitHub

Project Links

Budget Breakdown

Milestone 1: On-Chain Registry for Decentralized Wi-Fi Hotspots

  • Total Budget: $22,000

  • Description: Build and deploy an on-chain registry on Ethereum, including smart contract development, frontend/UI development, and testing.

  • Expected Outcome: A functional on-chain registry for decentralized Wi-Fi hotspots.

Milestone 2: User and Node Authentication via Smart Contracts

  • Total Budget: $21,000

  • Description: Deploy smart contracts for user subscription and node authentication/authorization, including protocol design, development, and testing.

  • Expected Outcome: Secure authentication and authorization for users and nodes.

Milestone 3: Real-Time Status Sharing Mechanism

  • Total Budget: $25,000

  • Description: Implement real-time status sharing for ÐVPN and ÐWi-Fi nodes, including development of data sharing mechanisms and UI.

  • Expected Outcome: Users can view real-time status information of ÐVPN and ÐWi-Fi nodes.

Milestone 4: Data Storage and Security Implementation

  • Total Budget: $11,000

  • Description: Implement IPFS, libp2p, and QUIC for data storage and security, including encryption and digital signatures.

  • Expected Outcome: Enhanced data security and decentralized storage.

Milestone 5: Token-Based Reward System

  • Total Budget: $17,000

  • Description: Develop and deploy a token-based reward system, including tokenomics design and smart contract development.

  • Expected Outcome: Incentivized node operators and reward tracking.

Milestone 6: Basic Enterprise Integration and Enhanced Cybersecurity

  • Total Budget: $14,000

  • Description: Develop integration tools and APIs for enterprise integration and enhanced cybersecurity.

  • Expected Outcome: Improved enterprise connectivity and cybersecurity.

Funding Requested: $100,000

Plans should you fall below, reach or exceed funding goals

  • Below Goal: Prioritize essential milestones and core functionalities to ensure basic operations and network security.

  • At Goal: Complete all proposed milestones, including advanced features and integration tools.

  • Exceeding Goal: Scale initiatives, introduce advanced features, and expand integration capabilities.

Impact Measurement and Reporting

Inputs > Activities > Outputs > Outcomes > Long Term Impact

Short-term Outcomes (0-3 months):

  • Launch of the on-chain registry and authentication protocols.

  • Implementation of real-time status sharing and data security mechanisms.

Mid-term Outcomes (3-6+ months):

  • Increased user engagement and network reliability.

  • Enhanced security features and integration with enterprise solutions.

Long-term Impact (5+ years):

  • Establishment of NetSepio as a cornerstone of decentralized internet infrastructure.

  • Significant reduction in censorship and enhanced privacy and security for users.

Outcomes Measurement:

  • User Engagement: Active users, retention rates, time spent on the platform.

  • Adoption and Usage: Number of new users, feature usage frequency, increase in transactions.

  • Community Impact: Growth in community size, participation level, collaborations.

  • Financial Metrics: Revenue generated, cost savings, ROI.

  • User Satisfaction: Satisfaction scores, user surveys, positive testimonials.

  • Innovation and Development: New features launched, impact on overall goals.

Interim Reporting

Regular Updates:

  • Monthly updates on progress and milestone achievements.

Milestone Verification:

  • Verification through deliverables, progress reports, and Karma GAP project page: Karma GAP Page.

Sustainability Plan

NetSepio’s path to financial sustainability includes:

  • Revenue model through token-based rewards and enterprise integrations.

  • Strategic partnerships and collaborations.

  • Plans for securing future funding through additional grants and investments.

Case Studies and Testimonials

Gathering Feedback:

User Feedback Collection:

  • Surveys and Questionnaires: Regularly distribute surveys and questionnaires to users to gather their insights on the performance, usability, and impact of the Erebrus Protocol and NetSepio’s services.

  • Interviews and Focus Groups: Conduct interviews and focus groups with key users, including both casual and power users, to obtain qualitative feedback and deeper insights into their experiences.

  • Support and Community Channels: Utilize support tickets, community forums, and social media interactions to collect feedback from users who encounter issues or have suggestions for improvement.

  • Stakeholder and Beneficiary Feedback:

  • Partnership Reviews: Engage with project partners and collaborators to review their experiences and gather their feedback on the collaboration and outcomes.

  • Beneficiary Impact Reports: Create impact reports detailing how NetSepio’s services have benefited specific groups, such as activists, human rights defenders, and underserved communities.

  • Advisory Board Insights: Regularly consult with advisory board members and industry experts to gather professional opinions and recommendations.

Showcasing Success:

Case Studies:

  • Detailed Documentation: Develop comprehensive case studies that highlight the successful implementation of the Erebrus Protocol in various scenarios. Include metrics, user testimonials, and qualitative insights to demonstrate the protocol’s impact and effectiveness.

  • Success Stories: Share individual success stories of users who have significantly benefited from NetSepio’s services. These narratives can illustrate the practical benefits and real-world applications of the technology.

  • Use Case Examples: Present specific use cases where the protocol has successfully addressed issues such as censorship, privacy threats, or connectivity problems.


  • User Testimonials: Feature testimonials from users who have experienced positive outcomes with the Erebrus Protocol. Include their quotes and personal stories in various formats such as written, audio, or video.

  • Partner Endorsements: Showcase endorsements from project partners, collaborators, and industry leaders who can attest to the success and impact of the protocol.

  • Public Recognition: Highlight any awards, recognitions, or positive media coverage received, which can serve as third-party validation of the project’s success and credibility.

  • Promotion Strategies:

  • Blog Posts and Articles: Write and publish detailed blog posts and articles on your website and other platforms, summarizing case studies and testimonials.

  • Social Media Campaigns: Leverage social media channels to share snippets of success stories and testimonials, driving engagement and awareness.

  • Formal Reports and Whitepapers: Produce formal reports and whitepapers that compile case studies and testimonials, providing an authoritative source of evidence for the project’s impact.

By systematically gathering and showcasing feedback, case studies, and testimonials, we aim to provide a comprehensive view of the Erebrus Protocol’s effectiveness and its positive influence on users and stakeholders.

Advancing Values of Freedom and Privacy

NetSepio is committed to open-source and unrestricted internet access. Our approach supports freedom of speech and access to information, regardless of geographic location or socio-economic status. By empowering users to bypass censorship and maintain connectivity, we promote the free flow of information and support fundamental rights.

NetSepio aims to advance the values of freedom and privacy, especially for activists and individuals concerned about online security. By leveraging decentralized VPN (ÐVPN) and decentralized Wi-Fi (ÐWi-Fi) technologies, the platform enables users to bypass censorship and access information freely, a critical feature for those operating in regions with restricted internet access. The Erebrus Protocol, which powers NetSepio, ensures that no single entity can control the network, embodying the principles of decentralization and privacy. Advanced technologies like zero-knowledge proofs and encryption provide a secure environment for users to engage in sensitive activities without fear of surveillance or retribution.

The platform also raises awareness about online security through AI-driven threat detection tools and blockchain transparency. These technologies not only enhance the security of the network but also educate users on the importance of vigilance in their online activities. By offering these advanced tools via an open-source platform, NetSepio empowers individuals to understand and mitigate online risks, fostering a culture of security awareness. Adaptive bandwidth allocation and robust DNS firewalls further contribute to a secure and efficient online experience, ensuring that users can access information quickly and safely even in critical situations.

Additionally, NetSepio tackles the issue of location tracking commonly associated with public Wi-Fi networks by decentralizing Wi-Fi connectivity. Traditional Wi-Fi connections expose BSSID data, risking live location tracking. NetSepio’s approach mitigates this risk by creating a resilient and distributed connection network, making it difficult for malicious entities to pinpoint a user’s location. This feature is invaluable for activists and whistleblowers who need to safeguard their anonymity. By combining these comprehensive security measures, NetSepio not only enhances freedom and privacy but also promotes a more informed and proactive approach to online security.

Supporting Decentralization

NetSepio champions decentralization through several key initiatives:

  • Decentralized VPN and Wi-Fi Technologies: Our integration of decentralized VPN and Wi-Fi technologies fosters a resilient and distributed network. This approach reduces reliance on centralized infrastructure and enhances the overall reliability of internet access.

  • Community Participation: We encourage community involvement by allowing individuals to run nodes and contribute to the network. This collaborative ecosystem helps maintain a robust and decentralized internet infrastructure.

  • Resilient Connectivity: By developing decentralized Wi-Fi hotspots and VPN nodes, NetSepio ensures that connectivity remains unaffected by centralized failures or government-imposed shutdowns. This distributed approach supports a more stable and reliable internet experience.

  • Promoting Decentralized Infrastructure: Through DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks), we are building a global network of nodes that enhances internet reliability and democratizes access. This infrastructure supports the principles of decentralization and user empowerment.

NetSepio’s efforts in supporting decentralization are reflected in our commitment to creating a robust, censorship-resistant network. By integrating decentralized technologies and promoting community engagement, we contribute to a more resilient and equitable digital landscape.

Team Information

  1. Shachindra — CEO and Founder: Twitter

  2. Anish Mishra — CISO: Twitter

  3. Ashish Gupta — Business Lead: Twitter

  4. Anshita Deshmukh — UI/UX & Design: Twitter

  5. Shubham Prajapati — System Architecture and Code Review: GitHub

  6. Soumalya — Blockchain Developer: GitHub

  7. Vaibhav Gadhave — Fullstack Developer: GitHub

  8. Rushikesh Nimkar — Full Stack Developer: GitHub

  9. Ashwini — Application Testing and QA

Social Proof

  • Awards: Filecoin Browser3000 hackathon, Filecoin Apollo cohort, Aptos Singapore Hackathon, IVS Crypto Demoday in Japan, Manta Network micro-grants, Soonami Venturethon, ETH SEA.

  • Partnerships: peaq ecosystem.

  • Verification Links:


NetSepio commits to transparent fund usage. All funding will be directed towards essential milestones, with clear reporting on expenditures and outcomes.