Shielded Voting by Shutter Network

Project Name

Shielded Voting by Shutter Network

Project Description


Voting is the backbone of DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) decision-making. web3 voting mechanisms aim to be transparent & verifiable. However, these same voting mechanisms also suffer from voter apathy, manipulation, and lack of privacy - which can lead to unrepresentative outcomes and compromised governance systems. Examples of web3 voting going wrong:

  • A DAO voter might be discouraged from voting or from forming an opinion if it seems that the vote is moving early in one direction.
  • A malicious actor might wait for a vote to play out. Only to come in at the last minute, borrowing/buying just the right amount of tokens needed to sway the vote. And doing this at a time when there’s no more time for the rest of the community to react.


Shielded Voting Shielded Voting addresses these challenges by using threshold encryption. In a nutshell: During the vote, the voting platform only displays the total amount of voting power already deployed. After the vote, the voting platform displays all votes, including how each person voted.


  • Pre-voting information symmetry
  • Enhanced confidentiality, fairness and censorship resistance
  • Protection against vote manipulation by large token holders
  • Improved user experience


Shielded Voting on Snapshot, provides partial privacy, ensuring a fair and transparent voting environment for DAOs.

It is now the preferred voting setup of Snapshot. Shielded Voting on Snapshot is currently used by 382 unique communities. It has protected over 2,330 proposals and 216,805 cast votes.

Public Good

Shutter Network offers Shielded Voting to all communities on Snapshot completely free of charge. Shutter Network also hopes to offer Shielded Voting to communities on other voting platforms like Kleros and Fractal in the near future.

Open Source

Shutter Network committed to building open source technology. Shutter Network is and has always been an open source project and open protocol. Here is our Github repo GitHub - shutter-network/shutter: Prevent frontrunning and malicious MEV on Ethereum by using a threshold cryptography-based distributed key generation (DKG) protocol..

Advancing Values of Freedom, Privacy and Decentralisation

Shielded Voting is specifically created to increase integrity in DAO voting. We do not engage in surveillance and we do not handle personal data.

Past Funding

brainbot incubated Shutter Network and has been the primary funder so far. However, in Jan 2024, brainbot will be hand over Shutter Network to the community. From then on, Shutter Network will be managed by a future Shutter DAO.

brainbot gmbh is a for-profit company in Germany. We are a venture builder that has been building on Ethereum since 2014. It contributed to the original Python client in 2014 & to state channel technology in 2018. Some of our ventures are for-profit and others non-profit. We fund our work via consulting, grants, and private token sales.

Shutter Network has 2 applications: Shielded Voting (which is seeking funding here) and Encrypted Mempools for Base Layer Neutrality (i.e. malicious MEV prevention and censorship resistance) (which is not seeking funding here).

Shielded Voting is a non-profit application of Shutter Network. We have never charged for this service and we have no plans to do so.

Mempools for Base Layer Neutrality is not live yet. We are working on a Shutterized Gnosis Chain and several Shutterized Ethereum L2s. We have not determined whether or not to charge for this service. (brainbot has received a OPstack builders grant worth 30k OP for a research/feasibility study and a demo for MEV Prevention solution integrated into the OPStack.)

For both applications, Shutter Network needs to incentivise the keypers (who encrypt and decrypt) and a future Shutter DAO (which selects and manages) the keypers. The exact specifications of that incentive model will be up to a Shutter DAO to decide upon.

Seeking Funding for General Operations

Shutter Network is looking for funds to support the maintenance of Shielded Voting on Snapshot and the integration of shielded voting to other web3 governance mechanisms like Kleros, Fractal and others.


Luis Bezzenberger - Project Manager
Jannik Luhn - Lead Developer
Maximilian Langenfeld - Developer
Loring Harkness - Partnerships
Jakub Al Soori - Biz Dev

Links / Social Credibility


Shielded Voting has already been deployed. Github repo: GitHub - shutter-network/shutter: Prevent frontrunning and malicious MEV on Ethereum by using a threshold cryptography-based distributed key generation (DKG) protocol.

Shielded Voting was integrated with Snapshot in 2022 (Shielded voting is live! — Snapshot Labs) & it’s now the default voting setup.

Discord Contact

Loring (loringharkness)


It’s great having Shielded Voting on Snapshot. I’m interested to see how it plays out on other governance mechanisms.


GM Octant Community!

Thank you again for your generous support for Shielded Voting in Epoch 2. We received 5.2 ETH which we are using to maintain Shielded Voting on Snapshot and expand Shielded Voting to other voting platforms.

We are pleased to share this update about Shielded Voting and Shutter Network. Please let us know your thoughts, suggestions, questions, etc. Your feedback helps us improve Shielded Voting as a FOSS tool for increasing integrity of and participation on voting platforms, thus generating more representative outcomes and minimizing vote manipulation.

Recent Activities / Achievements

  • Maintenance of Shielded Voting on Snapshot
  • Ongoing efforts to sign up and onboard more DAOs to Shielded Voting on Snapshot
  • Discussions with Kleros to integrate Shielded Voting on Kleros
  • Discussions with Fractal to integrate Shielded Voting on Fractal
  • Developing the technical architecture and specifications for Shielded Voting for onchain governance
  • Published the Shutter vision and roadmap 2024
  • Secured two additional small grants (see details below)
  • Research on how Shielded Voting can use Drips Network to collect funding our work and also provide funding to our FOOS/OSS dependencies.

Upcoming Milestones

Funds received in Octant Epoch 3 will be used to integrate Shielded Voting with Kleros, Fractal and Snapshot X:

  • Shielded Voting x Kleros (Q2 2024)
  • Shielded Voting x On-Chain Voting Platforms (Q2-Q3 2024)

See the Shutter roadmap 2024 for more details.

Use of Funds Since Epoch Two

80% - Staff salaries for technical and partnership development
20% - Overhead (inc office, admin, etc.)

Grant Funding Received Since Epoch Two

5 ETH - Public Nouns grant to maintain and advance Shielded Voting Public Nouns

2,500 ARB - Arbitrum Mini Grant “Unleashing the power of DAOs”

Non-Grant Funding Received Since Epoch Two



Shutter Network was incubated by brainbot gmbh, a blockchain venture builder that has been building for profit and non-profit projects on Ethereum since 2014. brainbot contributed to the original Python client in 2014 & to state channel technology in 2018. brainbot funds its work via consulting, grants, and private token sales.

Shutter Network has 2 applications: Shielded Voting (which is seeking funding here) and Encrypted Mempools for Base Layer Neutrality (i.e. malicious MEV prevention and censorship resistance) (which is not seeking funding here).

Shielded Voting is a non-profit application of Shutter Network. We have never charged for this service and we have no plans to do so.

In January 2024, brainbot gmbh published a blueprint for anyone to deploy a Shutter DAO and governance token. In January 2024, Shutter DAO 0x36 and Shutter Token (SHU, 0xe485E2f1bab389C08721B291f6b59780feC83Fd7) was deployed by an anonymous member of the Shutter community. In February 2024, Shutter DAO 0x36 ran a Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) on Fjord Foundry, which raised $8.3M USDC. Shutter DAO 0x36 has 2,526 members. At time of writing, Shutter DAO 0x36 has not provided funding to brainbot gmbh.


GM Octant Community!

Once again, thank you for your generous support for Shielded Voting. In Epoch 3 received nearly 52 ETH which we are using to continue maintaining Shielded Voting on Snapshot and expand Shielded Voting to other voting platforms.

Please see our latest update below. And please let us know your thoughts, suggestions, questions, etc. Your feedback helps us improve Shielded Voting as a FOSS tool for increasing integrity of and participation on voting platforms, thus generating more representative outcomes and minimizing vote manipulation.

And please join us online:

Achievements since Last Update

  • Hired 1 Head of Marketing and 2 Developers
  • Currently recruiting 1 Social Media Manager, 1 Developer, 1 Researcher
  • Maintenance of Shielded Voting on Snapshot
  • Ongoing efforts to sign up and onboard more DAOs to Shielded Voting on Snapshot
  • Integrated Shielded Voting with Nance
  • Discussions integration with the following voting platforms:
    • Snapshot X
    • Kleros
    • Fractal
    • Agora
    • Pairwise
  • Research on how Shielded Voting can use Drips Network to collect funding our work and also provide funding to our FOOS/OSS dependencies
  • Technical work which supports the further decentralization of the Keyper set (which encrypts and decrypts votes)

Upcoming Milestones on Project Roadmap

  • Rebranding Shutter, including Shielded Voting
  • Launch of the “Defenders of the Crypto Realm” movement
  • Integrations with the following voting platform:
    • Snapshot X
    • Kleros
    • Fractal
    • Pairwise
    • Agora
  • Continued decentralization of the Keyper set

Utilization of Funds from Epoch 3 and 4

Octant Epoch 3 results were announced on 30 May 2024 - just five weeks ago - so we have not deployed all funds received from Epoch 3.

brainbot is currently increasing our team capacity by hiring additional marketers and developers. We will deploy the funds from Epoch 3 and 4 throughout Q3 and Q4 2024.

In general, our breakdown of costs remains the same as before:
80% - Staff salaries for technical and partnership development
20% - Overhead (inc office, admin, etc.)

Grant Funding Received Since Last Update

brainbot has received the following grants for Shielded Voting:

Gitcoin GG20
~ $3,500 from donations and matching pool
GG20 OSS Results - Google Sheets (see row 26 from Web3 Infrastructure)

~ $450 from donations and matching pool ( (see row 39)

Other Non-Grant Funding Sources


Additional Disclosure

Shutter Network was incubated by brainbot gmbh, a blockchain venture builder that has been building for profit and non-profit projects on Ethereum since 2014. brainbot contributed to the original Python client in 2014 & to state channel technology in 2018. brainbot funds its work via consulting, grants, and private token sales.

Shutter Network has 2 applications: Shielded Voting (which is seeking funding here) and Shielded Trading (i.e. malicious MEV prevention and censorship resistance) (which is not seeking funding here).

Shielded Voting is a non-profit application of Shutter Network. We have never charged for this service and we have no plans to do so.

brainbot has also received other grants for Shielded Trading since our Last Update:
(Although these grants are not related to Shielded Voting, we provide details here for transparency.)

OP Builders Grants
50,000 OP and locked until 2025
Generalized mempool encryption interface for OP Stack chains and deployment of a mempool encrypted OP Stack testnet using threshold encryption

Shutter DAO 0x36
600 K USDC + 200 K SHU
Grant Proposal to execute technical roadmaps for Gnosis Chain Integration, OP Stack Development, and Espresso Collaboration | brainbot GmbH
(Integration work and support for Shielded Voting is mentioned on this grant. However, most of the grant is focused on the Gnosis Chain Integration, OP Stack Development, and Espresso Collaboration.)

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