Hey Octant Community,
We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted in the last epoch and supported Ethereum Cat Herders’ mission. Your trust and belief in our vision help us continue with our support to the Ethereum Protocol Development team.
Recently, we completed 5 years with the Ethereum community. It gave us immense pleasure creating educational content around Ethereum Network Upgrade, funding EIP editors to streamline Ethereum Governance, and the rest of the team to ensure the availability of protocol meeting notes & recordings.
Q1-2024 Updates 
Dencun Mainnet Upgrade
We are excited to share that Deneb and Cancun (Dencun) improvement proposals were successfully deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet. The Ethereum Cat Herders co-hosted the Dencun Mainnet Livestream with the EthStakesr and The Daily Gwei (Anthony Sassal). The upgrade was successful and the blobs are real now!
We recorded a total of 13 episodes on Dencun proposals, testing and testnet preparation on PEEPanEIP-Dencun for the community to follow and learn about the upcoming changes over the year.
We also published Dencun: Deneb-Cancun Upgrade blogpost for fun facts and what to expect with the next Ethereum Upgrade.
Learn2Earn, Dencun NFT & Goerli Livestream
In addition to the Dencun. page mentioned in the last update, which was created to provide testing and other updates on the Dencun Ethereum Upgrade, our engineering team launched the Learn2Earn app in early January 2024. This is an educational platform that rewards users for learning about Ethereum protocols and application standards.
Co-organizing the Dencun Goerli Livestream [2024-01-17] with EthStakers, the Learn2Earn app was shared with the community to earn free Dencun NFT. Learn about the protocol, take the quiz, and earn Dencun NFT at Learn2Earn. Learn more in this blogpost.
EIP Process Sharing, Reviews & Office Hours
Information sharing is a key to inviting community participation. Noting the recent changes in the EIP GitHub structure and proposal submission process, our contributor talked about the Evolving Ethereum With Improvement Proposals at EthDenver and the EIP Day organized by Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians.
These in-person meetups not only provided us the opportunity to learn about the gap but also helps us plan for future tasks to be included under the umbrella of Ethereum Cat Herders.
Since January, we facilitated
Recorded and shared
Educational Content & Podcast - PEEPanEIP
It’s highly motivating to receive kind words from Ethereum developers like Danny Ryan on PEEPanEIP series.
In this section, we recorded a new episode for a proposal under CFI Prague - Electra Upgrade. The talk on PEEPanEIP-7251:Increase MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE with DappLion and Mike Neuder hopefully will be helpful for the client developers to make informed decisions.
We recorded a talk with Joachim Lebrun on ERC3643: Token for Regulated EXchanges and ERC-6982: Efficient Default Lockable Tokens with Francesco Sullo. These are the latest additions to application standards on the Ethereum repository.
The Podcast version can be found here.
Women in Ethereum Protocol (WiEP)
Extending beyond the immediate tasks at hand, focusing on the long-term sustainability, and growth of the Ethereum ecosystem with diversity, equality & inclusion, we’re working with the Ethereum Foundation, Ethereum Protocol Fellowship and formed a new group to onboard Women in Ethereum Protocol. We aim to foster an environment where diverse voices are heard, contributions are valued, and innovation thrives.
We launched Women in Ethereum Protocol (WiEP) on Feb 29, 2024 at Edgecity, Denver.
On International Women’s Day 2024, we organized a webinar - Empower and Innovate that received a lot of attention from the women developers’ community.
Follow WiEP on Twitter to learn more about the initiative and help us add diversity to the Ethereum Protocol development team.
Plans for Q2 and beyond 
Ethereum Cat Herders will continue building educational content, make resources accessible, and extend support to the developers’ community.
We hope to bring
- new episodes on Prague - Electra proposals explainers
- new episodes on Ecosystem Project Demo
- continue facilitating Improvement Proposal meetings
- public developers’ meeting notes
Recording and publishing of
- Wallet Devs meetings
- eth_multicall meetings
- All ERC Dev meetings
and possible future breakout meetings.
Continue building the Women’s developers community.
Funding Sources
All of the above was made possible with the public goods grants provided by ecosystem projects grants.
In Q1- 2024, we received Public Goods Funding Grants from
- Octant (Epoch 2) - 6.1903 ETH
- Optimism (PGF Round 3) - 124,244.11 OP
Learn more about Ethereum Cat Herders
- Website: https://www.ethereumcatherders.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/EthCatHerders
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EthCatHerders
- GitHub: EthCatHerders · GitHub
- Discord: EthCatHerders