Protocol Guild: Securing the Future of Ethereum's Core Protocol Development

Protocol Guild

The Protocol Guild is a collective of Ethereum’s core protocol contributors - individuals who are focused not only on maintaining Ethereum as it exists today, but also on researching and implementing cutting-edge upgrades as part of Ethereum’s development roadmap. Today, this collective contains 152 contributors.

All this work - a foundational public good - is quite clearly of vital importance to the long-term security of Ethereum. Unfortunately, existing funding only provides a fraction of the financial incentives compared to other available work in the ecosystem (apps, L2s etc.).

The Protocol Guild was thus created in May last year, to enable a funding mechanism which provides long-term incentives for stewarding the core protocol, while in turn providing the broader Ethereum ecosystem with the infra and tools needed to scale to global accessibility.

Just as the Ethereum distributed system takes inputs from many actors to produce a unified global state, the production of the underlying software combines efforts from many contributors. There is no single entity which maintains and evolves the protocol on their own.

Protocol Guild reproduces the qualities inherent to the production of a software commons as a funding stream: comprehensively curated, long-term oriented, and equitably distributed. With this tool, the ecosystem can now share the collective responsibility of funding core protocol stewardship.

You can read more about the Guild here:

Funding Sources

The Protocol Guild has received ~$10mm in donations to date, from almost 5k donations.

All donations to the Protocol Guild are trustlessly vested directly to the Guild’s members over time, helping to retain Ethereum’s core protocol contributors over the long term. This means that, on on average, each member has received ~$55k via the Protocol Guild since launch. Today, this can be seen as a bonus, as it’s on top of what they already earn in their day-to-day job. Of course we hope that, eventually, there will be members who can rely on the Protocol Guild as their sole source of income, who don’t need to otherwise monetize their work, and can thus stay 100% focused on the public good that is building and maintaining Ethereum’s core protocol.

Accordingly, given the ambitious scope of our mission - to rebalance financial incentives towards Ethereum’s core protocol work - Protocol Guild requires continuous funding to achieve its goals. Ultimately, the long-term success of the Protocol Guild is thus contingent on it being embraced by Ethereum’s ecosystem and community.

Seeking project-specific funding or funding for general operations?

General operations, aka securing the future of Ethereum’s long-term development roadmap <3

Team Information

The Protocol Guild is a collective of 152 individuals, who are actively involved in all functions related to building and maintaining Ethereum’s core protocol.

These individuals come from over 20 different ecosystem teams and projects, including Ethereum’s client teams (Geth, Erigon, Teku, Lighthouse etc.), research groups like the Robust Incentives Group, as well as coordination / support groups like Ethereum Cat Herders and DevOps teams.

All individuals are listed here: 9. Membership — protocol-guild documentation



  • Do you have a commitment to open-source (i.e. every open-source license accepted by the Open-Source Initiative) technology and sharing results publicly?
  • Have you provided transparency about how exactly funding will be used?
  • Are you advancing values of freedom and privacy (no surveillance and handling of personal data)?
  • Are you supporting decentralization in various fields (for example building Web3 projects)?
  • Have you provided social media channels to the extent that we can confirm social proof of your project?
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Thank you VERY much to the whole community for selecting Protocol Guild as the top recipient of funds in Epoch 1. With this 44 ETH donation, Octant / Golem Foundation is currently out 11th largest donor! :heart_eyes:

Here’s a quick end-of-year update for everyone:

Appreciate everyone’s continued support, and wishing everyone an amazing end to 2023 :muscle:

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Hello everyone! Lots of fun updates to share this quarter:

  • Protocol Guild was once again the top recipient for Epoch 2, raising 36.552 ETH, making Octant our 8-largest donor.
  • Since being launched in May 2022, Protocol Guild has now raised $14mm in total (worth $34m today) from Ethereum’s ecosystem and community, all of which is vesting directly to Ethereum’s active core protocol contributors.
  • Today Protocol Guild has 167 members, with the average member having received $138k over the last 2 years.
  • What have Protocol Guild members been working on in the last quarter? Well, the Dencun hardfork successfuly activated on March 13th, making L2s cheaper by orders of magnitude.
  • We also launched the “Protocol Guild Pledge”, a committment by projects building on Ethereum to donate 1% of their native token to the Protocol Guild. 6 amazing projects have taken the pledge so far, including and Taiko!
  • If you have 20 minutes, you can also watch our EthDenver presentation.

That’s it for now! Thank you SO MUCH to the Octant community for your continued support of Ethereum’s core protocol development. We’ll be back next quarter with another update, you can catch us on Twitter, Farcaster or Discord until then! :muscle:

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Thanks for the awesome update. Let’s see how high we can get on that list!


Also, nice presentation from EthDenver. I’d say Ethereum is Bitcoin plus smart contracts :upside_down_face:

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gm gm Octanteneers (is that a thing?) - very excited to share a bunch of huge updates from the last quarter:

  • We (finally!) launched PGv2!! :partying_face: The biggest change is that, from now on, all donations will be vested over 4 years instead of 1 year. The longer vesting timeframe helps incentivize Ethereum’s talented core devs to stick around for longer, while also allowing us to scale our fundraising further.
  • Our documentation also got a massive overhaul to update it for PGv2 and to reflect our current thinking around Protocol Guild and its purpose. If you have any feedback on the text, please submit a PR on Github!
  • In May we completed our 8th consecutive quarterly membership update, growing Protocol Guild to 177 members (from 167 the prior quarter). Each individual has been actively contributing to Ethereum’s L1 R&D for at least 6 months, and as a collective, have contributed over 600 years of work towards the Ethereum protocol.
  • Taiko (the first L2 to take the Protocol Guild Pledge) donated 1% of their token supply, worth ~$30mm today :crown: That is, by far, the largest individual donation we’ve received, in fact it’s more than the ENTIRE AMOUNT Protocol Guild has raised to date. Those funds are now locked in our 4-year vesting contract.
  • The Octant community came through for us once again and allocated 77 ETH in Epoch 3, almost double what was allocated in Epoch 1 and 2! Thank you SO MUCH for your continued recognition and support of Ethereum’s core protocol work :raised_hands:
  • As usual you can track all donations in our Dune dashboard :bar_chart:

And finally, Protocol Guild member’s have been very busy as well: the scope for Pectra, Ethereum’s next upgrade, is just about finalized, and it’s a huge one! The included features will hopefully:

You can read a summary of Pectra here.

That’s all for now! Hit us up on Twitter, Farcaster, Discord or here if you have any questions or comments :muscle:


Hello again everyone! This update follows the new format required of Octant’s recipients, using the long-term template:

Milestones and Deliverables

  • Milestone: Make working on Ethereum’s core protocol economically rational on a risk-adjusted basis
    • Immediate Outcome: Provide financial incentives - in the form of ecosystem tokens vested over 4 years - to Ethereum’s core protocol contributors, to incentive them to stick around for the long term
    • Metrics:
      • Total Protocol Guild Members: 177
      • Median Vested / Member Last 12 Months: $22,071
      • Median Vested / Member Next 12 Months: $53,234
    • Self-Assessment: Today the financial incentives associated with Protocol Guild membership are still not sufficient to (1) replace a full-time salary, or (2) counter large job offers these contributors get elsewhere in the ecosystem
    • Karma GAP: Karma GAP - Protocol Guild


  • Previous Challenges:
    • Description: Our biggest challenge is establishing the Protocol Guild Pledge as a social norm
    • Updates: Since the last epoch, 1 new project has taken the pledge -, a RWA-focused L2
    • Resolution: We will continue proactive fundraising initiatives to get more projects to take the pledge
    • Lessons Learned: Establishing a social norm is hard! Lots of time is needed. We are up for the challenge :saluting_face:

Outputs and Outcomes

Outputs (Last Epoch):

Short-term Outcomes: Raise awareness about Protocol Guild, to encourage more projects to donate / take the Protocol Guild Pledge

Long-term Outcomes: Establish the Protocol Guild Pledge as a social norm

Metrics for Outcomes: To avoid redundancy, please see relevant metrics shared in the “Milestones and Deliverables” section as well as “Other Funding” section

Plans for Potential Funds Raised in the Next Octant Allocation Window

  • Goal 1:
    • Description: Continue to boost the financial incentives associated with working on Ethereum’s core protocol
    • Expected Outcome: Onboard and retain Ethereum’s core protocol contributors over the long term
    • Funding Needed: Given the ambitious scope of our mission - to rebalance financial incentives towards Ethereum’s core protocol work - Protocol Guild requires continuous funding to achieve its goals. Ultimately, the long-term success of the Protocol Guild is thus contingent on it being embraced by Ethereum’s ecosystem and community.

Other Funding

Since the last update, we have received 179 donations from 115 unique donors, totaling $50mm at the time of donation (worth $22mm today). The vast majority of that came from, who followed through with their Pledge to donate 1% of their token supply to the Protocol Guild.

All Protocol Guild’s funding can be found in our Dune dashboard:

Future Plans for Financial Sustainability

We are looking to onboard a new full-time contributor to assist with fundraising efforts.