Making Snapshot for Epoch Eligibility into Quadratic Voting

We’ve been having many brainstorming sessions here at the Funding the Commons residency around Octants mechanism, with @revmiller & @artem

Something we were discussing is how epoch rounds are more resilient than the snapshot one, since epochs have quadratic voting while snapshot has one wallet one vote.

Since octant has removed minimum thresholds, projects are scrambling to try and simply clear the eligibility bar to get some money.

In epoch 5 snapshot, just 8 votes are enough to get you into the round. This creates unhealthy dynamics where dishonest projects who farm 5-6 wallets can be assued of entry into the epoch.

Snapshot has a quadratic voting mechanism, so we were wondering why this is not the strategy for eligibility. This would reduce incentive to farm wallets because its not one wallet one wallet, but also weighted by how much glm the wallet has locked into it.


We’ve been considering this for the upcoming round. Thanks for the note, I’ll respond with more after we discuss it on Wednesday.

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I’ve been thinking about this more. How would QF in snapshot solve for this issue?

Can you share why you think this? The reason we have sybil defense in our rounds in the first place is because there is a direct incentive to farm wallets.

The only thing I think your proposal would change, is that it would give whales more voting power. Am I missing something here?