> Memes are a public good! Onchain content & media redefined lets users mix mash meme and publish to farcaster as frames - we are an onchain media innovation labs - providing solutions for easy onchain content publishing to users via our flagship app & our farcaster native composer action/frames.

Desktop app:

Demo of our composer action:

So users can either use app or experience the entire creative stack right from their warpcast feed!

We are big on not just simplifying content creation and distribution but also making creation accessible and chain agnostic. We are natively & deeply integrated with farcaster/warpcast.

We power co-creation and user generated content via permissionless collabs and fair onchain revenue splits for creators.
We also work with communities to add their assets and get discovered by our active pool of creators.

Think of poster as the biggest open sourced repo of visual assets from global communities and projects with a built in-canva style editor for anyone to co-create, publish and share revenues easily. We bridge upcoming communities/creators with content creators for mutual discovery, bounties and token incentives. We believe discovery for cc0 assets will empower more quality content creation.

Over 100+ artists, cc0 projects & crypto communities have their assets live on poster!
Going forward, we wish to continue providing discovery, storage, listing and licensing services to not just visual creators and designers but to multimedia artists. By connecting creators & communities we are building a creator economy on the ai, blockchain & social graphs.

Why Poster Matters?

Communities today struggle to maintain social buzz! We enable them to turn their holders/supporters into their vocal social evangelists by removing barriers to creating memes and user generated content. With deep integration with farcaster/warpcast we are set to innovate new age social media and creative new immersive experiences and even programmatic ad networks with token incentives.

For creators, it is difficult to start monetizing content on conventional web2 platforms. We’re bridging crypto incentives to creator economy aiming to give content creators more revenue streams, attribution & discovery.
Our tools & UI is designed to support creators with 0-1 skills and even sophisticated prosumers with our desktop app.

Powering onchain social distribution and mutual discovery of creators & amazing communities is what makes, fun with big meme energy.


Poster for creators >>

  • Bounties
  • Poster incentives
  • create memes n grow personal channels
  • distribute nfts
  • Flex as the top POSTER CHILD
  • Leaderboards and streak rewards
  • Data dashboard
  • Protocol rewards
  • Tips & token incentives
  • User profiles/social network
  • List & licence assets

Poser for communities

  • User generated content creation streamlining
  • Mass content creation + distribution at 1/10th the cost of Market rates
  • Turn community into social advocates
  • Community powered marketing - let ur community make your posters/memes
  • Data analytics of the campaign
  • programatic token streaming (WIP)

Poster for public

  • largest cc0 asset pool/public library of assets
  • discovery platform
  • open source stack
  • publish & distribute onchain with inventive UI
  • canva style editor for drag drop meme fun

What have we built so far (LIVE)

What our creative stack supports:

  • Create memes with ready templates
  • Remix NFTs that you own (Eth, Base, Zora, Abri, OP, L3s like degen, Ham etc)
  • Create using community assets
  • 50K+ cc0 assets including projects like Mfers, Nouns, Goblins
  • Sticker packs by crypto/warpcast native memecoins
  • Sticker packs by artists on warpcast
  • Superior ai tools Promt/Image Prompt/background removers etc
  • Automatic onchain revenue splits - YES, creators can earn REMIX ROYALTIES

What our publishing stack supports:

  • Share to Farcaster as a cast
  • Share to Farcaster as Collectible (Frames)
  • Add custom gating to your frames
  • List for custom ERC20 tokens
  • Composer Action

What our onboarding stack supports:

  • EVM wallets
  • Solana
  • FID support for composer action

Share your project impact metrics and results

Dune Dashboard

With farcaster native frames, we have build a distribution with over 73K onchain nfts minted collectively via our user’s frames.
We enabled over 1.9K creator contracts deployed.

We are currently also sponsoring gas on base for 1st 10 NFTs minted by every creator via composer action.

We have on-an average 80-100+ DAUs creating content. We have had upto 5K DAUs and 70K MAUs+ during early farcaster/degen days.

Opensource repo: Posterdotfun · GitHub

Funding sources:

- SheFioctant grants (we were formerly lenspost)

Are you seeking:

Project-specific funding
Funding for general operations

Has your project launched or planning to launch a token?


Does your project plan to run funding rounds or distribute funding?


So we have a new composter action - where users can create memes from their feed - we have a product feature were projects can set up their token streaming to users that make memes about them, distribution works programatically for highest engaged posts!

Share your project roadmap:

  • Our aim is to provide continue innovating n serving content tooling solutions to creators across the board!
  • Continue adding more cc0 assets / projects
  • Have a native app
  • Deploy telegram mini apps for creation/memes
  • Add social marketplace/discovery layer for artists to list /license their assets
  • innovate n power more creators to generate more value and earn value

Social Proof
As seen on warpcast by memelord KevinMfer

Farcaster: has over 11.1K followers on Warpcast. Follow here.
Our community channel /poster has 10.4K

Team Socials:
Cyber Shakti - Co-founder & CEO | Warpcast | Twitter
Chakra - Co-founder & Head of Product | Warpcast | Twitter

Funding Goal, Budget, and Justification:

Funding goal 40 ETH To keep the operations running, our developers paid and motivated, making a scalable self serve platform for anyone to run UGC campaigns and incetivse quality content creation

Please include what’s the minimum amount of funding you need to survive and the minimum amount of funding you need to grow?

100K is our survival, anything upto 250K is sufficient to run smooth yet lean operations to scale

Please give a detailed budget breakdown showing how the funds will be used, including specific milestones and deliverables.

The funds will largely go in scaling and infra, development. We are a content liquidity platform, powering massive asset library in the more ui friendly manner, our storage consumption and sclaing is our project is resource intensive.
We will also build a treasury to reward/grant/amplify cc0 artists and deserving content creators to be able to build a name/market for themselves!

Overall, we have set out with an ambitious dream - powering creators everywhere, making quality content creation accessible, powered with fair incentives and discovery for everyone.

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