Optimystics: Growing Fractal Communities

Optimystics grow fractal communities with innovative tools, games, shows, and events. You can learn about our work at Optimystics.io and see an overview below. All of our software is open source, our games are free to play, our content is free to consume, and our events are free to join.

We grow communities with a simple and profoundly helpful consensus game called the Respect Game. The Respect Game provides a fun new way to foster collaborations, raise awareness for public goods creators, and help communities fairly reward impact. It also introduces revolutionary governance system and enables organizations to coordinate to achieve shared goals more efficiently than ever before. We promote the adoption of this consensus game by creating public goods, including open source tools, community events, and educational content.

We are the creators of Optimism Fractal, a community dedicated to fostering collaboration and awarding public good creators in the Optimism Collective. Optimism Fractal features weekly events where players coopete to grow Optimism, then we produce videos of the events and show notes for educational purposes. We are also the builders of Optimystics Tools, a suite of open source software that empowers communities with fun consensus games for fractal collaboration, democratic coordination, and unprecedented independence. These tools facilitate Respect Games during Optimism Fractal events and provide a powerful reputation primitive for communities on EVM blockchains.

Last year we created Eden Fractal, a community pioneering coordination games and fractal democracy. Since then we’ve hosted weekly meetings for 19 months and produced countless innovations, including over 75 videos and a comprehensive suite of open source tools for consensus games on Antelope blockchains. In addition, we’ve created countless great shows and articles on the Eden Creators Youtube channel and garden.

Our work is nonexcludable, nonrivalrous, and creates profound benefits for communities. We believe that our work provides essential public goods infrastructure for the future of Web3 and all of humanity.

Main Project Funding Sources:

We recently qualified for funding in Optimism RetroPGF and you can see our RetroPGF application here. Our application received 32 votes of support from badgeholders and has been allocated between $45k-$400k on lists, though the exact funding amount hasn’t yet been determined or distributed.

Outside of RetroPGF, our team is self-funded and has mostly been volunteering for the past two years while earning small grants from Gitcoin, Pomelo, and other funding sources in the EOS ecosystem. We are planning to earn from more public goods funding sources in the Ethereum ecosystem in the future.

Seeking project-specific funding or funding for general operations:

We are seeking funding for general operations to compensate our four team members. We’re also open to ideas for project-specific funding, such as starting a fractal community focused on growing Octant, Golem, or Ethereum.

Team Information, including backgrounds and roles:

Dan Singjoy - Creator and Host

Tadas Vaitiekunas - Full stack developer

Vlad Hramtsov - Full stack developer

Rosmari - Marketeer

You can learn more about our backgrounds and watch an introductory video with our team members at Optimystics.io/about. You can also watch the following interviews to learn more about our team members.

Social Credibility (development progress, awards, notable GitHub commits, referrals)

Over 100 people have participated in our events and we consistently receive exceptional reviews, as you can see in our videos. An average of 12-15 people have participated in each event and players have made over 3,000 onchain transactions in our events, which you can verify by looking at block explorers for Optimism Fractal (source) and Eden Fractal (source).

There are about 15 projects and communities that have integrated the Respect Game so far (as you can see here) and the demand for our tools has greatly increased in the past couple months since we released software for EVM blockchains. You can explore the Github code repositories for our EVM software here and Antelope software here.

It may also be worth noting that hundreds of talented builders have contributed countless hours to the development of the Respect Game for the past three years and the original concept was created by one of the most successful innovators in Web3 (Daniel Larimer). You can learn about the origins and history of our work in this article.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • We have a commitment to open-source (i.e. every open-source license accepted by the Open-Source Initiative) technology and sharing results publicly.
  • We have provided transparency about how exactly funding will be used.
  • We are advancing values of freedom and privacy (no surveillance and handling of personal data).
  • We are supporting decentralization in various fields (for example building Web3 projects).
  • We have provided social media channels so you can confirm social proof of your project.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or comments. You can also see more details in the discussion during our temp-check in the Octant Discord. We’re excited to get involved in the Octant community and looking forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:

Discord contact: @DanSingjoy


Hey Octant community! :wave:t4:

I’m providing a more concise overview of our work, some reasons to vote for Optimystics, an update on our experience + collaborations with Octant so far. We hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to hearing your thoughts :slight_smile:

Why vote for Optimystics?

The Octant community should vote for Optimystics because we are providing an essential service for the Golem Network, Ethereum, and everyone in the world. We create open-source tools, consensus games, fun events, exciting videos, and educational content that empowers all communities to thrive.

Optimystics grow communities with the Respect Game, a profoundly helpful consensus game that provides a fun way to foster collaborations, promote public goods creators, and fairly award positive impact. The Respect Game coordinates decentralized, autonomous organizations with democratic decision-making and a sybil resistant reputation system rooted in onchain attestations during joyful events. Anyone can join our events to network with innovators, raise awareness for their work, and earn a soulbound token called Respect. Everyone can enjoy our content (including videos of our events) for free and use our open-source tools to benefit their community or organization.

While we share amazing experiences today, our work provides much needed public goods infrastructure for the future of humanity. After developing the Respect Game for over two years with hundreds of builders, we’re thrilled to share our innovations with the Octant community. We’re now working to help the Octant community achieve it’s goals and are excited to collaborate with more people in the Golem ecosystem. We greatly appreciate your consideration and the support of GLM holders for Optimystics in the Epoch 2 snapshot poll.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. Thank you!

Our Experience and Collaborations with Octant

Since diving into the Octant community, we’ve been greatly enjoying learning about Octant and the Golem Network. We’re deeply aligned with Octant’s purpose to advance decentralized governance, promote community engagement, and support public goods projects in the Ethereum and Web3 ecosystem. It’s fascinating to explore the great strides that Octant is making towards these goals and we’re excited to help!

On the day we applied for Octant, I had the pleasure of messaging with @mat7ias during our temp check. His supportive feedback and personal enthusiasm inspired us to get more involved. After lots of studying, we decided to more actively contribute to the success of Octant. Over the holidays I closely read the community discussions in @james’ thoughtful posts about envisioning Ideal Community-Led Governance and finding solutions to the Potential Logjam for Epoch 3. Then I wrote a detailed response about how the Respect Game we’re pioneering could be an ideal approach for Octant’s governance, which you can see here. In addition, we also created an article with some educational resources about Octant and are promoting Octant’s innovations in our social networks. Now I’m looking forward to responding to James’ feedback, updating the article, and sharing ideas to help resolve the potential logjam in the next epoch.

We’re thrilled to be in the company of so many brilliant public goods creators and figured it might be helpful to share some feedback about our experience so far. Thank you so much to the Octant community for the warm welcome and all the amazing work. I’m stoked to keep learning, collaborating, and helping Octant in the coming epochs. Happy new year to all and go Octant! :raised_hands:t4: :tangerine: :pray:t4: